Gifted Education Books for Parents

Want to learn more about parenting the gifted? Read some of the following books (in alphabetical order):

The authors describe ways to develop children's natural abilities.

What it means to be young, Black, and gifted, and how families can help gifted children to understand their differences, navigate complex peer relationships, find their rightful place in community, and make best use of the school system.
Helps parents to not only understand why gifted children are so extreme in their behavior, but also learn specific strategies to teach gifted children how to live with their intensity.
This user friendly guidebook educates parents and teachers about important gifted issues, an ideal resource for the beginner to seasoned veteran in educating gifted children.

Focuses on special considerations that often go along with gifted children such as providing challenging curriculum, offering outlets for artistic and creative talents, accelerating students into college courses early, and finding them true intellectual peers.

In a thoughtful, conversational style, the author offers an in-depth look at the complex social and emotional issues faced by gifted children.

Parenting Gifted Children: The Authoritative Guide From the National Association for Gifted Children, Editors: Jennifer L. Jolly, Donald J. Treffinger, Tracy F. Inman, and Joan Franklin Smutny
This comprehensive guide covers topics such as working with high achievers and young gifted children, acceleration, advocating for talented students, serving as role models and mentors for gifted kids, homeschooling, underachievement, twice-exceptional students, and post-secondary opportunities.

Provides a humorous, engaging, and encouraging look at raising gifted children today with practical, down-to-earth approaches. Goes beyond the basics, focusing on attitude, reflection, and subtle changes, rather than specific, cookie-cutter recipes for action.
Great introduction to IQ testing and gifted children. Answers your questions, from “Why test?” to “What do the scores mean?” and “What about scores of twice exceptional children?”

A practical, informative, and authoritative primer for raising and educating gifted children from preschool to adolescence. Beginning with sensible strategies to determine whether, and in which area, your child is gifted, this book takes parents through selecting an appropriate day-care center, a school, and a home reference library.

This book offers a large menu of strategies, resources, organizations, tips, and suggestions for parents to find optimal learning opportunities for their kids, covering the gamut of talent areas, including academics, the arts, technology, creativity, music, and thinking skills.

They Say My Kid's Gifted: Now What? by F. Richard Olenchak
Offers background and advice from the identification process, to choosing a teacher, to gifted programs and curriculum.

How to recognize giftedness, from the obvious signs such as advanced language, math and motor skills, to the less obvious ones such as sense of humor, good memory and active imagination. The book also offers a variety of age-appropriate techniques to stimulate your child's curiosity.

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