Paper Folding for Gifted Visual Spatial Learners

The art of paper folding plays right into the strengths of gifted visual spatial learners. Once a student becomes comfortable with basic folds, she can go on to design her own models.

Here are some websites to help young people learn and improve paper-folding techniques.
Some people even specialize in certain types of paper folding, such as Paper Airplanes, which includes six different designs.

Ways to Share and Collaborate
It’s always helpful to find others with the same interests.
  • If your student would like to join a group of origami folders, you can find contact information at Origami USA. International groups are also listed at this site. In addition, information is provided on forming your own group of paper folders.
  • Mailing Lists and Social Networks—See what others are doing with the art of paper folding. Share your own work. Connect with fellow folders.

Paper Folding Artists
If burgeoning paper folders want to see some of the possibilities of this craft, view the work of professional artists who have become masters. Here are just a few:

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